Saturday, July 30, 2011

Watch Movieline Fave Bob Stephenson Bust Paul Rudd in New Our Idiot Brother Clip

If the hideous sweater, disgusting mane, and title didn’t tip you off, Paul Rudd’s character in Our Idiot Brother is supposed to be an idiot. Though the first trailer gave us a good idea of the dunderheadedness we can expect, this glimpse at a scene between Paul Rudd and Movieline pal Bob Stephenson indicates that the titular dude’s stupidity knows no bounds. Fortunately, he’ll have Emily Mortimer, Elizabeth Banks, and Zooey Deschanel to set him straight. Maybe they can help him evolve into a Kris Kristofferson tribute artist? [via Yahoo!]

Friday, July 15, 2011

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Benjamin Gates (Nicolas Cage) is a historian and amateur cryptologist, and the youngest descendant of a long line of treasure hunters. Though Ben's father, Patrick Gates (Jon Voight), tries to discourage Ben from following in the family line, as he had spent over 20 years looking for it and never found a thing, young Ben (Hunter Gomez) is encouraged on by a clue from his grandfather (Christopher Plummer) that could lead to a fabled treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States.

With an expedition funded and led by Ian Howe (Sean Bean), Ben and his friend and computer expert Riley Poole (Justin Bartha) track down a Colonial ship, the Charlotte, trapped in the ice in the Arctic. Aboard the ship they discover a meerschaum pipe engraved with a riddle that Ben connects to the Declaration of Independence. When Ian reveals he will go to any lengths to find this treasure including stealing the Declaration, Ben takes a stand against him. A fight ensues, during which spilled gunpowder is ignited. Ian escapes the ship, leaving it to explode before departing with his team. Ben and Riley are trapped inside but survive the explosion by hiding in a smugglers hold, and return to the United States determined to stop Ian.

When Ben tries to tell various authorities, including Agent Peter Sadusky (Harvey Keitel) of the FBI, and Dr. Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger) at the National Archives, they dismiss his claims, considering the Declaration impossible to steal. Ben and Riley concoct their own plan to steal the document during a gala event, and execute it just before Ian and his own team arrive. Abigail, suspicious of Ben's presence at the gala, becomes caught up with Ben and Riley as they escape from Ian and the authorities. Ben's identity is tracked to the theft, and they are forced to go to his father's home, much to Patrick's surprise and dismay. Ben and Abigail find an Ottendorf cipher on the back of the Declaration which, using the riddle from the pipe on the Charlotte, they connect to the Silence Dogood letters, written by Benjamin Franklin, at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Decoding the message, they then head to Independence Hall where the trio find a pair of spectacles with multiple coloured lenses created by Franklin that reveal additional clues on the back on the Declaration. The group is caught by Ian, and even though they split up, Riley and Abigail and the Declaration are caught by Ian, while Agent Sadusky captures Ben, still with the glasses.

Ian, under the guise of a prisoner exchange, lures the FBI into a trap aboard the USS Intrepid, allowing them to grab Ben. Holding Riley, Abigail, and Patrick hostage, Ian forces Ben to use the bifocals and find the next clue, which leads the group to Trinity Church in New York City. Beneath the church they find an enormous shaft with an elevator system. At the bottom of the shaft, they find a room lit only by a lantern, which Ben and Patrick trick Ian into thinking that it refers to Paul Revere's ride, and indicates the treasure to be at the Old North Church in Boston. Ian and his men strand Ben, Riley, Abigail, and Patrick as they ascend to the surface, unaware that Ben has purposely tricked them. Ben uses the pipe from the Charlotte to open a secret door that reveals the vast treasure stash he has been searching for, as well as a route to the surface.

A film set for the underground chambers beneath Trinity ChurchWhen the four ascend, they are met by Agent Sadusky, who reveals he is part of the Freemasons. Ben and Sadusky arrange a deal. With the safe return of the Declaration and identifying where Ian and his men can be found, Sadusky will clear all of their names and allow them to sell the treasure to collections across the world. Ian is captured by the FBI, for tresspassing, and attempted murder but not before he realizes he has been tricked when he sees a grinning Ben nearby.

The film ends showing that Ben kept only a small fraction of the sales, still making his friends quite wealthy, and has begun a romantic relationship with Abigail.