Friday, September 23, 2011

Patty Jenkins May Tackle Thor 2

Monster director off to Asgard?Some directorial choices are slightly unexpected. Then there are the gob-smacking, who-could-have-seen-that-coming ideas that seem to strike from nowhere. One of those hit today, as Variety is reporting that Monster director Patty Jenkins is in talks to tackle Thor 2. That Jenkins would be in consideration is not the surprising part: after all, she pushed Charlize Theron to an Oscar with the 2003 Aileen Wuornos film. It's more the fact that, since then, she's directed exactly zero movies and has mostly plied her trade on TV, working on episodes of Arrested Development, Entourage and the US remake of The Killing. She's also never worked with big special effects, but Marvel and the Thor cast clearly feel she can bring something fresh to the superhero sequel. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins are all set to return for the film (our fingers are crossed that Kat Dennings' new TV gig won't interfere with the chance to get her back too), which Disney has already scheduled for a July 26, 2013 release. Kenneth Branagh directed the first film (and was himself a slightly unexpected choice), but has decided not to take on the sequel. Though Game of Thrones veteran Brian Kirk's name had been mentioned in connection with the job, he's since passed. And Jenkins has seemingly beaten out a list that includes Drew Goddard, James McTeigue and Breck Eisner.

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